Features & Benefits
Sullar Flowlogic air controllers will show a direct compressed air system improvement when installed in conjunction with an adequate supply-side storage tank. The system will enable the supply-side storage tank installed with the compressors to store air for peak demands at an appropriately set control pressure. The SFC will deliver the desired plant air pressure set point – consistently delivering +/- 1% of pressure set point. Peak air consumptions will be drawn from storage and less compressor HP will be required for peak events – saving you energy, money, scrap and lost production.
Standard Features & Benefits of Sullair Flowlogic Air Controllers
Controller Features
- Standard sizes from 150 to 15,000 CFM
- Compact for easy installation
- Inlet and Outlet pressure gauges
- Tamper-resistant servo-pilot controls outlet pressure
- Five-year warranty on valves
- Two-year warranty on all other components
- Stabilizes air pressure
- Lowers product defects and scrap
- Improves consistency of finish product quality
- Reduces the effect of compressed air leaks
- Reduces number or compressors required
- Reduces maintenance costs
Technical Data
- Standard Size range: 0 to 22,000 scfm
- Maximum operating pressure: 200 psig (standard)
- Minimum operating pressure: 50 psig
- Temperature: 50˚ to 150˚ F
Flow range based on 105 psig inlet pressure to SFC. Inlet pressure must be 5 psi or higher than outlet pressure.