Sullair – Flowlogic Air Controllers

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, more than half of industrial plant air control systems in the United States are candidates for LARGE SAVINGS OPPORTUNITIES with relatively low project costs. Sullair Flowlogic air controllers deliver the required flow and pressure at the lowest possible cost by creating upstream storage and controlling its flow into the plant air system. This flow control results in a more STABLE SYSTEM PRESSURE (± 1%), reduced energy consumption and improved productivity.

You can purchase Sullair Flowlogic air controllers at our Midwest Industrial Brabazon locations. Contact us today to learn more about how they may accommodate your needs.

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Features & Benefits

Sullar Flowlogic air controllers will show a direct compressed air system improvement when installed in conjunction with an adequate supply-side storage tank. The system will enable the supply-side storage tank installed with the compressors to store air for peak demands at an appropriately set control pressure. The SFC will deliver the desired plant air pressure set point – consistently delivering +/- 1% of pressure set point. Peak air consumptions will be drawn from storage and less compressor HP will be required for peak events – saving you energy, money, scrap and lost production.

Standard Features & Benefits of Sullair Flowlogic Air Controllers

Controller Features

  • Standard sizes from 150 to 15,000 CFM
  • Compact for easy installation
  • Inlet and Outlet pressure gauges
  • Tamper-resistant servo-pilot controls outlet pressure
  • Five-year warranty on valves
  • Two-year warranty on all other components


  • Stabilizes air pressure
  • Lowers product defects and scrap
  • Improves consistency of finish product quality
  • Reduces the effect of compressed air leaks
  • Reduces number or compressors required
  • Reduces maintenance costs

Technical Data

  • Standard Size range: 0 to 22,000 scfm 
  • Maximum operating pressure: 200 psig (standard) 
  • Minimum operating pressure: 50 psig 
  • Temperature: 50˚ to 150˚ F 

Flow range based on 105 psig inlet pressure to SFC. Inlet pressure must be 5 psi or higher than outlet pressure.